The Matrix: What it is, How You are Trapped in it and Why You Need to Escape it

Manuel M.
45 min readFeb 29, 2024


“We are in the beginning stages of the biggest collective awakening ever seen in the history of mankind.”


I will blow your mind and change your life forever in the next 45 minutes. So, hydrate, get cozy and focus!

“I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it.”


The modern metaphor of the Matrix comes from the 1999 movie The Matrix and draws a comparison between the mind control exercised by the rulers of our modern world and the computer simulation depicted in the movie. In the movie The Matrix, protagonist Neo is woken up one day out of an ultra-realistic computer simulation and learns the truth about the world he believed to be real. He learns that he has been plugged into a machine all this time, which has been simulating a hyper-realistic illusion for him to secretly farm his bodily energy. The film depicts his awakening from this illusion and his subsequent fight against the system that keeps people like him in its clutches through mind control to use them as human batteries.

It may sound very radical to put it like that, but The Matrix is not actually a science fiction film but a “documentary” that dissects today’s world down to the smallest detail. You might be thinking to yourself that I’m full of shit when I say this, and that’s very understandable. In the following pages, however, I will show you the truth and you will understand how you yourself may have been deceived by the machine.

The next few minutes will bring a huge awakening for you. I would like you to observe yourself closely as you read on. Do you have a strong emotional reaction to what I write? Does the voice in your head tell you that what I write cannot be true? Do you feel your ego resisting? Do you perhaps even feel deep hatred for me after I lift this veil and burden you with the brutal truth about today’s world and your own illusions?

These are all signs that your mind is not ready to be liberated. You have already become too attached to the belief system that you hold about the world and so it may be incredibly difficult for you to allow yourself to see the truth. If this is the case, you will not be able to truly accept what is written on the following pages and will probably go back into your computer simulation after reading this. Your life won’t really change much despite receiving this precious information and you will find ways to make excuses to stay plugged into the machine.

However, if you are a person who is aware of the distortion in the lens through which you view the world and are in control of your ego to prevent it from blinding you, your life will change significantly after receiving this information.

You will learn how those in power use clever manipulation and a deliberately orchestrated control mechanism to keep you inside the rat-race, running in the hamster wheel of modern life while chasing an illusion. All that until you die from exhaustion before you can ever cash out on what you’re promised. You will learn how the people in control designed the rules we live under to screw the honest worker and extract his life force like a battery. Just like in the movie.

To understand how the Matrix works, why you are trapped in it, and how you can escape it, we need to look at the core foundation on which modern society is built: our monetary system.

This topic may seem a little complicated at first glance if you are not familiar with it, but I have done my best to make it as easy to understand and concise as possible. But understanding our monetary system is essential for a free-thinking man who aspires to a life of personal freedom, independence, and dignity.

People spend decades of their lives in the pursuit of money through working a job, but most have never once stopped to think about what this actually is they are sacrificing their time for and how it really works. Or why it is that some people simply don’t need to trade their time for money.

After reading this piece, you will no longer be one of those people.

Today’s Evil Monetary System: A Slippery Slope into Economic Slavery

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”


This direct quote you just read stems from the American industrialist and car manufacturer Henry Ford (1863–1947), who was the richest man in the world at that time. Let it sink in for a while. You will soon understand exactly what he meant with this quote…

I write this post-pandemic (in 2024), and the world currently finds itself in a massive recession. Most people actually don’t know this but in the two years from 2020–2022, the biggest wealth transfer in human history took place. While ordinary people now suffer the consequences of economic mismanagement during the Covid pandemic, elitists like Jeff Bezos nearly doubled their net worth in only two years.

At the moment, ordinary people suffer from a cost-of-living crisis while rampant inflation is outpacing their wages. The prices of energy and commodities go up every week while the government tries to hide the real inflation rate by messing with the official definition of a recession and by changing the method for measuring inflation.

Money loses value faster than ever in American history while the economy functions on and is addicted to debt — only around 8% of the money in circulation isn’t debt-based (which is per definition a Ponzi scheme). This creates huge financial bubbles that burst spectacularly every few years robbing millions of people of their life savings and hard-earned assets while the reckless banks who caused the burst get bailed out with taxpayer money by our governments. »Bankers get bailed out while people get sold out.«

US national debt is close to 34 trillion dollars (that’s $34,000,000,000,000) at the time of writing and accumulates at a record rate. This is nearly $260,000 per taxpayer in the US. You can check the latest figures here.

The tax burden on the average citizen is enormously high while public education, medical care, and infrastructure are chronically underfunded. At the same time, big pharma, major energy companies, and food conglomerates are reporting record profits, while billions of taxpayer money are being poured down the throats of defense companies and lavishly spent on foreign aid in an effort to simultaneously fight two proxy wars — in Ukraine & Israel (and perhaps soon in Taiwan as well).

We have reached a point in the West where the fabric of society is crumbling in real-time. Rampant crime such as shoplifting in major cities in the US; massive homelessness and a deadly opioid epidemic; scenes that could come straight out of a war zone in the center of Europe with France burning for weeks; Sweden becoming the hotspot for gun violence in Europe, and the UK suffering from an explosion in knife crime — these are all signs of economic pressure on the lower and middle classes enabled through a monetary system that is designed from the ground up to funnel wealth upwards, impoverishing ordinary people and screwing over the honest laborer.

So how the hell did we get here?

To understand how the modern monetary system is designed to enslave humanity, we need to take a brief trip back in time to the year 1971. Before the event of that year, there were numerous other events that helped shape our modern monetary system, such as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 or the Bretton Woods conference after World War II, but here I will focus on the absolute essentials. Therefore, I will explain what happened in 1971 and why this event opened the gates to modern economic slavery and the possibility for unprecedented tyranny.

Until 1971, the world’s reserve currency, the US dollar, was backed by a large gold reserve held by American banks. This meant that an ordinary citizen could exchange a dollar bill for a fixed amount of gold at his local bank. The dollar coins and notes were therefore directly exchangeable for gold and were used by people to facilitate trade and avoid having to carry heavy gold or silver around with them all the time.

Due to the need for funds for the Vietnam war (in which the US was deeply involved) and other orchestrated smoke screens, President Nixon announced in 1971 the temporary suspension of the convertibility of the dollar into gold. This was done with the ulterior motive of enabling the creation of money out of thin air to finance the war. With this measure, so-called fiat currency was introduced, a currency that is not backed by anything real or tangible, but only by the collective belief in its value.

Prior to this event, reckless money printing was not possible because for every dollar in circulation, an equivalent amount of gold had to be stored in a bank vault, as anyone could go to the bank at any time and exchange their money for gold. After President Nixon’s intervention, this was no longer the case and gold had to be purchased on the gold market at a constantly fluctuating exchange rate. Taking the dollar off the gold standard now opened an unprecedented door for those in power: the ability to create new money out of thin air whenever funds were needed for wars or crises.

However, this ‘infinite money glitch’ the government discovered with money printing (which is essentially just cheating the system) does not come without consequences. Money can be printed out of thin air, but real value in the economy is limited and cannot simply be conjured up. This means that someone is paying the bill for this magic funny money appearing from the sky, and that is the general public — through inflation (and taxation).

Ultimately, inflation is simply the dilution of money that is already in circulation. If new money is printed out of thin air and brought into circulation, but a country’s economic output (the value created in the real world) does not change, this can only ensure that money already in circulation decreases in value (meaning purchasing power goes down).

Decoupling a currency from the limited asset that backs it (in the case of the US dollar it was gold) is purely evil for one reason:

Inflation systematically impoverishes the middle and lower classes, while the upper class massively benefits from it. A currency backed by nothing, the printing of money in times of crisis and the resulting inflation creates a monetary environment that systematically enslaves the lower and middle class through debt.

The following chart, which represents American society, clearly shows the impact that this significant measure from 1971 had on the economic situation in the country:

Income inequality in the US before and after 1971 (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities —

It can be seen that until the year 1971 when the US dollar was taken off the gold standard, all classes of society (simplified: Red = upper class, Gray = middle class, Blue = lower class ) rose together socioeconomically after the war. Wages had steadily risen for all, living standards had improved for all classes, and economic opportunities were abundant.

The well-known expression “The American Dream” also comes from this period because America was the land of endless opportunity in the decades after the war. Thanks to the fair monetary system and America’s stable world reserve currency, which was backed by gold, everybody who decided to work hard in an honest profession could build real value and climb the ranks of society. »From rags to riches.«

However, this all changed in 1971, when the US dollar was decoupled from real world value (gold), as can be clearly seen in the chart above. After 1971, only the upper class continued to rise steadily, while the lower and middle classes were left behind and have stagnated ever since.

The decoupling of a currency from real world value creates a complex economic funnel that pushes wealth upwards into the hands of the richest 5% while systematically robbing the rest of the population through stagnating wages and decreasing purchasing power.

Side note: Remember a few paragraphs earlier when we discussed Nixon suspending the convertibility of the dollar into gold? Please go back to that paragraph and re-read the sentence where the word temporarily is emphasized by special formatting. Do you understand what has happened here? Wasn’t this just a temporary measure to “defend the dollar against the speculators”? Why is it that over 50 years later we are still being scammed via fiat currency? You can view President Nixon’s public service announcement that aired on TV in August of 1971 on YouTube and watch him lie straight to your face.

“That’s why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.”


Why Taking Off a Currency from the Gold Standard Benefits Only the Rich and Robs Everyone Else

Most people don’t seem to understand that when the Federal Reserve is printing all this money from the sky the currency inflates. Which means it’s going to take more of said currency to buy assets like houses, stocks, bitcoin, gold etc.

Now the thing is, the majority of global assets are owned by the rich. Poor people hold most of their net worth in liquid currency because they don’t have much wealth and therefore can’t tie it up in long-term investment.

Now when the money printer is turned on the value of assets increases while the value of liquid currency goes down. This happens because people are trying to escape the depreciation of currency by buying up assets, therefore the price of those assets goes up because of heightened demand.

For the poor it becomes harder and harder to buy assets because inflation is outpacing their wages. That means that the whole notion of saving becomes redundant, and the money velocity increases (the speed at which money changes owners). This in itself fosters instant gratification behavior in society and degenerates said society’s moral standards because there is no point in delaying gratification and building something of value if money spent today is more worth than in the future. This is inherently bad for the ethics and morality of a society and sooner or later degenerates into a downward spiral.

Because we operate under a fiat currency system (money that is not tied to gold or anything else) and inflation is prevalent because of the Federal Reserve’s money printing effort in the form of Quantitative Easing (QE = the creation of money from thin air by the Federal Reserve in the form of government bond purchases and the subsequent flooding of the economy with fresh money that debases the currency already in circulation), the rich become richer and the poor become poorer in real time.

This is because even if governments distribute the freshly printed money to the common people through so-called “Stimulus Checks” it actually ends up in the hands of the rich in the end as well. This is because any money that is supplied to the lower and middle classes in times of crisis and inflation is either spent on consumer goods or gets used to purchase assets with a low entry threshold like stocks, as it makes no sense to save money in times of inflation.

Now, who owns all the companies that produce consumer goods and offer company shares for sale on the stock market? The rich, of course. For this reason, the effort to print money in times of crisis and inflation (the only times when printing money is even necessary) results always in an intricate, automated funnel back into the hands of the ruling class.

To be clear: even if you think you are benefiting from money printing because your generous government is giving you some of this newly created money from QE in the form of a “Stimulus Check,” “Covid Relief Check,” or “Climate Bonus” as it was called in Austria where I live, it actually only favors the rich and further contributes to widening the economic gap between rich and poor.

Money printing is truly evil because it screws the honest worker out of the social contract of work in exchange for value. In the following chart you can see the true consequences of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy: an enormous loss of purchasing power.

Decreasing Purchasing Power of the Consumer Dollar 1913–2017 (American Enterprise Institute —

This is money we are all being robbed of! You may not believe it, but two generations ago people bought houses in cash and saved their retirement money under the mattress. Things that are unimaginable with today’s money.

The debasement of money has enslaved humanity by blowing actual purchasing power completely out of proportion through rising inflation: To understand this, you first need to know that gold is the only real money in human history.

The price of gold has always remained the same because the supply is very limited. When the price of gold rises, it is not because gold suddenly becomes more expensive, but because the fiat currency with which you want to buy gold is being devalued in real time.

Gold has the same purchasing power today as it did in ancient Rome. 2000 years ago, an ounce of gold could buy you a brand-new toga, a nice pair of sandals and a fresh haircut. Today, an ounce of gold can buy a new bespoke suit, a nice pair of leather dress shoes and a fresh haircut at the barbershop. This means that actual gold has not lost any value, but rather that our fake currency, which is not backed by anything, has simply become weaker.

So, now you know that gold never changes value. But here is what changed, look at his:

1968: 1 ounce of gold was $39.31. In the US it took you at minimum wage of $1.25/hour around 31 hours to make a piece of gold. All of this by working minimum wage at McDonald’s flipping burgers all day long. You could have been the dumbest guy ever and easily made that kind of money.

2021: 1 ounce of gold was $1,264.99. The federal minimum wage in the US was $7.25/hour. In 2021 it took you around 174 hours of working a minimum-wage job to earn the same piece of gold.

31 hours versus 174 hours. It takes you now more than five times the work to get the same purchasing power as in the 1960s. Can you work in an honest profession and make it these days?

What is happening here? Isn’t it clear that the government is lying to you? Why are we tolerating this? How did they pull this off without anyone really noticing?

Now we can suddenly understand how people could afford to buy houses and other assets in cash a few decades ago. Largely without taking on debt in the form of bank loans — just by saving for a couple of years.

And now we suddenly understand what Henry Ford meant in the quote from the beginning of this chapter. What he meant was the workings of the Federal Revere which didn’t even include the events of 1971 (which made the situation way worse), because by then he had already been dead for two decades.

All of this is a money system problem just as Henry Ford warned us. This relationship of purchasing power, gold, and money is rigged against anyone who works for money.

The ugly truth is that we are getting scammed in real time and most people are too distracted to even notice it.

“We went to sleep with the American Dream and woke up in Nightmare-ica.”


How Decreasing Purchasing Power and Resulting Debt Enslaves the Ordinary People

We have already discussed how our modern monetary system is designed to rob the common people and transfer wealth into the hands of the ruling class. The question that remains is how this mechanism leads to ordinary people being dragged into modern slavery, and that is through debt.

The fact that our fake money has lost so much value (purchasing power) and inflation is so rampant means that saving is no longer worthwhile for ordinary people — money simply devalues so quickly and the opportunity cost of money is rising. This not only promotes instant gratification behavior in society, but also ensures that people no longer save up for asset purchases such as a house but are dependent on loans from banks in order to acquire an asset or home in their lifetime.

As mentioned earlier, it used to be quite possible to save up the money for a house or car and then buy it in cash after a couple of years of saving. However, as asset prices have shot up over the last 50 years due to inflation, it is now impossible for the average working-class couple to buy a home at a young age (when the desire to start a family arises) without taking on debt.

The young couple now goes to the bank and gets a loan that they must sign for with their freedom. And then the trap snaps shut, as they are now stuck in debt and must struggle their whole lives in the hamster wheel to avoid losing everything. Without realizing it, they have traded their freedom for stability, given their souls as collateral, and now must work their whole lives for someone else in a job they hate in order to pay off their debt.

Without consciously realizing it, they have given away their greatest asset, something that rich people risk their lives to defend, namely freedom. They are now trapped in debt and must play the catch-up game with interest payments and inflation their whole lives without being able to freely choose where they actually want to put their time and energy. Additionally, most employees regularly take on consumer debt to purchase cars, vacations and pay for unforeseen repairs and renovations. They are forced to work jobs they don’t enjoy and bow down to companies that don’t care about their well-being because they must make their interest payments every month or risk losing their home.

They are unable to spend time building something for themselves because they are constantly busy trying to make ends meet and pay off their debts. In America, 65% of people live paycheck to paycheck and most people would be completely incapacitated if it weren’t for credit.

Now that they have tied their freedom, and therefore themselves, to their house and other debts, they are forced to comply with anything that might stand in the way of paying their obligations on time. This means they must submit to censorship on social media, cannot stand against the corona vaccine, or speak out against the endless waste of taxpayers’ money on foreign wars or the endless streams of illegal migrants flooding across our borders. All because there is always the risk of losing their job if they speak out against the narrative and then being swallowed up by their debts.

Debt is truly a deal with the devil because it puts you in a position of dependence on those in power. When you are in this position of dependency, you are forced to submit to the imposed narratives and essentially lose your privilege as a self-determined free-thinking human.

Most people in the poor and middle classes are slaves to the economic system. Instead of whips and chains like the slaves of old, modern slaves are driven by debt and lured by consumption. They own stuff like cars, TVs, fast food, video games, beer, and porn. They feel better about their situation, so they don’t bother rising up. George Orwell said in his world-famous dystopian novel called 1984:

“The people will not revolt. They will not look up from their screens long enough to notice what’s happening.”


Slavery in its simplest sense means that a person works for a whole year and has nothing to show for it at the end. Most poor and middle-class people fall into this category. Sure, they may own some worthless consumer goods at the end of the year, such as a big screen TV, but these items are not of real value.

The Solution to this Economic Trap

The solution to this precarious situation is actually simpler than you might think. All you have to do is look at how the rich move on the chessboard and not make the typical mistakes of the working class:

  • Don’t rush to buy a home but rent for as long as possible. Yes, you will burn up money every month, but you will retain your freedom and time — time that you can invest in building something for yourself that generates cash flow rather than slaving away in a 9–5 job to pay off your mortgage.
  • Keep your living costs as low as possible and invest your money in the initial building phase primarily in the following: 1.) Your own education [books, courses, coaching, mentors] — 2.) Your appearance [clothes, teeth straightening and whitening, hair transplants, etc., because the halo effect is real and massively underrated — you will literally make more money the better you look.] — 3.) Your network [invite people to lunch that you want to connect with or learn from. Pay your way into high level circles if necessary. You will make this money back twofold by hanging around winners.] — 4.) Your side hustle [to be continued in the next point]
  • Use your free time outside of your 9–5 job to build up your cash flow business. Since you don’t have high living expenses, you can reinvest your money in your business and get ahead faster.
  • Use the cash flow you generate with your business to buy real assets that generate passive income every month like apartments you can rent out or company stocks that pay out dividends. You essentially need to convert as much of the fake funny money as possible into real world assets that earn you passive income and therefore cheat your way around inflation. For example, you could build up a social media agency that brings in a cash flow of $10k profit per month. You then use it to get a bank loan to acquire assets that earn you money passively. Borrowing money is actually fine, rich people do it all the time. The only difference is that they only borrow to buy assets that generate more money rather than for liabilities. Borrowing money for a liability would be to take out a loan to buy a house to live in or a car — it doesn’t generate income but only depreciates in value.
  • You need to finance consumer spending and the purchase of large consumer acquisitions such as a car or your own house always with passive income generated by your assets (e.g. your rental income, stock dividends, company profits, other investments) and never with active income. You need to use active income (e.g. cash flow) primarily to buy money generating assets or multiply it through investment.
  • Beware of one of the most common pitfalls which is lifestyle inflation. This term describes the increase in your lifestyle expenses as your income increases and it is one of the biggest hurdles to achieving financial freedom. Stay in control of your spending habits and don’t let your ego tempt you to cash out too early. Too many great men in history have fallen because they were blinded by their own ego and got sucked into an endless cheap dopamine rush of fast money, fast cars, beautiful women, wild parties, drugs, and societal validation. Realize that you are not in the game for fast gains, you want to build generational wealth so that your entire bloodline can live in freedom. What a shame it would be to jeopardize all of that because you can’t control your dick and ego. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Your objective is to create, multiply and preserve wealth.

“An entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables — slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes.”

“We work jobs we hate

to buy things we don’t need,

with money we don’t have,

to impress people we don’t like.”


How this Evil Monetary System Will Blow up Right into Our Faces

Many reliable sources claim that the average lifespan of fiat currency is only around 27 years. Every fiat currency in the history of humankind hyperinflated and hit 0 value at some point. Some sooner, some later but there are exactly zero fiat currencies that stood the test of time — something to think about.

When the currency eventually hyperinflates, the monetary system collapses, resets and a new currency is issued. This process is enormously painful for the majority of people because it is carried out on the backs of the working class who suffer the consequences of inflation through loss of purchasing power and by being robbed of their life savings.

The life of fiat currency consists of a 5-stage cycle that has been repeated every time a new fiat currency has been created in history:

Step 1 — Precious Metals: Most money in history started out as an honest currency that was tied to real value. In the first step, you see a real silver coin that is worth exactly its weight. Inflation is not possible because this money cannot be diluted.

Step 2 — Convertible Certificates: As trading gold and silver coins is too cumbersome for everyday life, certificates are introduced in step 2, which can be exchanged for gold and silver at the bank. This is basically a certificate of ownership for a piece of silver or gold that is stored in a vault at the bank. As there is only as much money as there is silver and gold, classic inflation is not possible here either — the currency therefore hardly loses any value over time and can therefore be saved or stored in the bank without significant devaluation. In the illustration of step 2 you can see a real $1 Silver certificate from the US.

Step 3 — Fiat Currency: Currency receives fiat status as soon as it is decoupled from the real-world value that backs it (gold). This happened in 1971 with the dollar and subsequently with all other currencies since the dollar acts as the world’s reserve currency and other currencies are pegged to it. Fiat currency is prone to inflation because in any crisis there is a temptation to simply print more money to relieve the economy. QE (Quantitative Easing), which was first introduced in the US in 2008 to alleviate the financial crisis, has been used regularly since then and has led to an ever-increasing devaluation of money, which accelerated particularly fast in recent years during the corona crisis.

Step 4 — Hyperinflation: When money printing gets out of control because it is used to artificially keep a dying economy on life support in times of financial crisis, hyperinflation can occur. The problem with inflation in general is that it can easily reach a point where it simply spirals out of control, and it becomes impossible to keep the currency from dying. This recently happened in Venezuela. In the picture of step 4, you can see a 50 trillion-dollar bill issued by the country of Zimbabwe, which is worth about 20 US cents. At the stage of hyperinflation precious metals are often reoccurring in the monetary system to be used as currency or be used to back up the currency. You may be thinking that this kind of hyperinflation is extremely rare, but it has actually occurred at least 56 times during the last two centuries. In the West, we are already seeing the signs of socioeconomic pressure in the explosion of violence and crime such as looting and robbery in the recent couple of years, although we have not even reached a point yet where there is hyperinflation, and you need a 50 trillion-dollar bill to buy a loaf of bread.

Step 5 — Anarchy: As traditional money no longer has any value on the street, people primarily trade in food, drinking water, ammunition, precious metals or other supplies. This period is characterized by enormous social tensions and violence and often ends with a revolution in which an organized group such as an armed militia overthrows the government and violently seizes power. This may sound very far-fetched in our Western world, but some version of this happened only recently in Argentina, Peru, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Venezuela and many more.

There is no doubt that the dollar and all currencies pegged to it will eventually reach zero purchasing power and implode completely. When will that happen? I don’t know. Nobody knows. But one thing can be said with absolute certainty: It will happen at some point. The tidal wave will come and crush all the sheep who are too distracted to see what is coming.

The big question is: will you be one of them or will you have prepared a surfboard and be able to ride the wave with a smile on your face?

If they can endlessly print

what you sacrifice your

life for, you are

their slave.


Who Actually Runs the World: Spoiler — It’s Not Democratically Elected Leaders Who Represent the Common People

“Politicians are poorly paid actors who sell to the public what is actually decided behind closed doors.”


I need to make one thing clear right in the beginning: this world is run by businesses and corporations and not by politicians. This is a fact and a natural consequence of how our political system is set up. To be politically successful these days, it is not enough to have a compelling vision and good leadership qualities to captivate the population, but one thing above all: money. You need lots of money.

Just to put this into perspective: the total campaigning costs of both political sides in the US elections in 2020 amounted to around 14.4 billion US dollars. Who pays for that? Not primarily the taxpayer, but mainly private corporations through donations. The financiers of politics are huge business conglomerates that are designed from the ground up to survive and win at all costs in the cut-throat competition of the private sector. These capitalists would never dump billions of dollars down the throats of politicians if they did not receive something in return.

A system in which politics is financed by private companies breeds bribery and corruption, but they just call it “lobbying” and that makes it okay somehow. But what’s really the difference? Just because it is in green legal territory doesn’t mean it’s morally correct. After all, printing money is also legal, and the Federal Reserve got its power handed to it by policymakers in a legal process. Does this make it right to systematically rob the working people?

Now since we know that the world is controlled by the private sector, let’s examine who are the people who are really in charge when it’s not politicians. To explain this, we first need to look at which industries have the most money flowing into them. The more money flows, the greater the need to push through vested interests in politics.

The four apocalyptic horsemen that have a firm grip on our world today are big pharma, food conglomerates, energy companies and the military-industrial complex.

Why? Because everyone has health that they want to have maintained, hunger that they want to have satisfied, a home that they want to have kept warm and a need for physical safety that they want to have protected. So, everyone on this planet is a customer and that’s what makes these four industries so big and influential — because they have the greatest demand and managed to build large monopolies by persuading lawmakers. These four industries may be very powerful, but do you know who is even more powerful? The people who manage and control these large and powerful companies. I am talking about asset management firms.

The World’s Largest Asset Management Firms (Pensions & Investment —

Asset management firms are financial institutions that specialize in managing and overseeing investment portfolios on behalf of their clients (e.g. other companies). They essentially manage these companies’ investment money. The primary objective of asset management firms is to optimize returns on investments while managing risks according to the goals and preferences of their clients.

Asset managers essentially analyze market trends, economic conditions, and individual securities to make informed investment decisions. To do this even better, they use sophisticated artificial intelligence to predict market conditions. The best-known of these algorithms was developed by BlackRock and is called Aladdin. With this high-tech AI, they are able to predict social events and market movements, sometimes down to the smallest detail, and then position themselves and their clients accordingly on the financial markets. Critics even accuse them of actively manufacturing or instrumentalizing crises in order to generate profits.

This may all sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but at second glance it is quite plausible. It only makes sense that since the normal population now has access to basic AI tools such as ChatGPT, super AIs have been around for years and are used by the most powerful people in the world. You only have to look at the Meta algorithm (Facebook & Instagram), which has also been operating for years and is one of the most powerful systems due to its access to enormous amounts of user data.

The high level of influence in the private sector and on politics, coupled with their high-tech algorithms, is what makes these asset management firms so powerful. If you ever need an evening pastime, take a look at the S&P 500 yourself and see how many of the companies on that list are managed by BlackRock or Vanguard. This will quickly make you realize how far-reaching their influence really is, and how they are able to steer politics in such a significant way. Many critics of these power structures even go so far as to say that Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, is actually more powerful than the US President and is truly the most powerful man in the world.

These privately owned asset management firms are very closely linked to another powerful private organization (NGO = non-governmental organization) known as the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF is an association of leading figures from the private sector, politics, and science. However, it is not a government organization but a private company without officials elected by the citizens.

The World Economic Forum is a powerful driver behind the abolition of private property, restrictions on freedom in the fight against climate change, the advancement of globalization, the spread of radical feminism and gender ideology, the abolition of national interests, the push for cultural subversion through mass immigration, the reduction of meat consumption and the transition to a purely plant-based diet, the switch to a government-controlled central bank digital currency (CBDC), the abolition of individual transport, the de-anonymization of the Internet and payment transactions, the disarmament of the population, and the dissemination of numerous other leftist, globalist and dystopian agenda points that seem to come straight out of Orwell’s 1984. They essentially want to end the existence of free-thinking, sovereign, and independent individuals and establish a transhumanistic technocracy.

This is sadly not some right-wing conspiracy theory but rather their own public agenda that you can read about on their website. And remember, these people are closely intertwined with business and politics by working with asset management firms as well as global corporations and have already placed dozens of their pawns like Emmanuel Macron (🇫🇷), Justin Trudeau (🇨🇦), Boris Johnson (🇬🇧), Olaf Scholz (🇩🇪), or Ursula von der Leyen (🇪🇺) in politics worldwide through their ‘Young Global Leaders’ program (YGL).

Other popular figures who have ties to the WEF include Bill Gates (Microsoft), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), George Soros, Greta Thunberg, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ginni Rometty (IBM), Larry Page (Google), Jack Ma (Alibaba), Kristalina Georgieva (IMF), Joe Biden (🇺🇸), Charles Michel (🇪🇺), Prince Charles III. (🇬🇧), Sebastian Kurz (🇦🇹), Angela Merkel (🇩🇪), Pedro Sánchez (🇪🇸), Giuseppe Conte (🇮🇹), Mark Rutte (🇳🇱), Erna Solberg (🇳🇴), Larry Fink (BlackRock) and many more.

Is there perhaps even someone above all these WEF people and asset management firms like BlackRock pulling the strings? I don’t know. I don’t think there are many people who really know. But I think it’s a logical argument that their faces will probably never be seen in public — they will probably always remain hidden. I certainly would if I were them.

How They Keep You Trapped in the Matrix

“Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt.”


Those in charge keep you trapped in the system by trapping your mind first. If people’s minds are trapped and they are asleep, they will not realize the oppression, even if it is happening right in front of their eyes.

For this to work they use institutions of authority and mainstream media (more on both in the next chapters) to control, censor, and orchestrate the shared narrative of society.

Have you ever wondered why radical feminism, LGBTQ, mass immigration, mass abortion, the concept of toxic masculinity, the obsession with race, and other far-left talking points are so prevalent in society, even though the insane proponents of those ideas only make up a small portion of the actual population? — That’s because these topics are being pushed by those in power. (A quick example of this is the sheer number of companies that put a pride flag on their logo in June, but studies clearly show that job applications from trans people with “they/them” pronouns on their CVs are more likely to be ignored across all industries — they don’t care about trans rights, it’s only being used for virtue signaling.)

All these new-age ideas have one thing in common: they are directed against the traditional nuclear family, in which a strong, masculine man is in charge who leads and cares for his feminine, submissive wife and their children.

Those in charge are domesticating men in real-time and weakening healthy masculinity that actually has ensured human survival for millennia. Instead, the propagated narrative encourages women to be put in charge of the family as well as broader society and men to become dutiful cowards who do as they are told and don’t deserve a voice in societal discourse.

A revolution is nothing more than a bunch of men coming together to force change in a system of oppression, and by deliberately making men too weak to rebel, they ensure that this never happens.

Men are the backbone of the slave force. We always have been and always will be. Unfortunately, now, if you’re a law-abiding man inside of the Matrix your future and the life path that is laid out for you is nothing but depressing: You’re going to go to school and get in debt to be able to get a higher education. You’re going to get a job; you’re going to get a wife and take on more debt to buy a house. There’s a 50% chance that divorce is coming (80–90% of divorces are initiated by women), you’re going to lose the house and half your stuff eventually and you’re going to see your kids only once in a while. Your job is shit, inflation is outpacing your wage, you’re going to work, work, work. No one is going to appreciate it. Now you’re old and your life is over.

That is the life path for 99% of men inside the Matrix. And you need to find a way to escape it. Hopefully, you understand by now that the system is designed to oppress. The people who make the rules do not make the rules for our benefit but for the benefit of those who make the rules. And the majority of those who abide by the rules are going to lose. I don’t want to encourage anyone to break the law in any form, but the idea of the law-abiding citizen has been decimated in real-time.

Before the Corona pandemic, you could stand there proudly and say you’re a law-abiding citizen. But if this event has not taught you that being a law-abiding citizen is going to turn you into nothing but an experiment for big pharma then you need to wake up fast.

You can no longer obey the law. And I’m not suggesting breaking the law, but you must find a way to do what the elites do — which is to bend the law. As a man, it’s your job to find a way to not be sticking to these rules enough to escape the Matrix and become free.

How They Use Endless Distraction to Keep You Trapped

In the world we live in today, the people in control are trying very hard to prevent you from shaping your own reality. You’re constantly distracted by everything that’s going on around you. Nowadays, it’s difficult to concentrate on almost anything. And they do it on purpose because researching the monetary system or standing in the rain and protesting takes a lot of focus.

The truth is they want you perma distracted. They want you playing video games after work and watching porn before going to sleep. They want you doom-scrolling on TikTok covered in Cheeto dust, they want you to have low testosterone and be docile. They want you occupied with celebrity gossip. They want you watching the Superbowl and absorbing their programming in the halftime ads. They want you arguing with your wife over some dumb shit you have supposedly done.

“The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he’s in prison.”


The modern world, and especially the West, has great parallels with ancient Rome, where in the final months of the collapsing empire all they did was provide endless circuses to distract people from the losing war and dying economy.

Our currency is inflating, just like in the final stages of the Roman Empire. Our economy has been on life support since 2008 and is slowly dying, just like it was in Rome. Western culture is being subverted by illegal immigrants coming into the US at such a fast pace that they are exceeding the national birth rate, just like Rome was subverted by barbarians from the north. As a result, crime is on a sharp rise and major American and European cities resemble full-blown war zones in times of rioting. The US is fighting proxy wars on the other side of the world it is slowly losing and throwing hundreds of thousands of innocent lives into the meat grinder in an act of pure desperation. Just like the Romans who slowly lost control of their northern frontiers and fought endless wars to defend the borders of an empire that was stretched out far too wide.

Just like ancient Rome, the Western Empire is failing in real-time and the weak, spineless leaders we have allowed into positions of power are doing everything they can to distract us from this fact.

The life cycle of a typical empire in human history (Ray Dalio: Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order —

This chart from billionaire investor and economist Ray Dalio illustrates the stages in the life cycle of every great empire in human history. The Western Empire, i.e. the US and all its Western allies (Europe, etc.), is currently situated in the fourth phase of this cycle (the decline) and sits between stages 14 and 15.

How They Have Subverted Societal Institutions

As we now know, the Matrix does not start with overt or violent oppression, but with subtle mind control. Why can an elephant be kept in bounds with a simple wooden fence, even though it could tear it down in an instant with its enormous weight? Because this flimsy fence somehow is perceived as an insurmountable obstacle in the elephant’s mind.

We, humans, are manipulated in exactly the same way by having limitations implanted in our minds since early childhood. This happens mainly through state-controlled institutions and the principle of authority.

As the economic noose tightens for the working class, parents are forced to place their children in state care at a very early age because they must go back to work. As a result, many parents fail to raise and educate their children as they see fit and must watch helplessly as the state and its institutions take over this role.

In school, children are indoctrinated with state propaganda for almost a decade and as discussed in previous chapters, raised by a feminized education system to become compliant, order-following bots. I actually don’t use the term “bots” ironically here, because when you look at the history of education, it quickly becomes clear what the purpose of this indoctrination machinery is:

Because of the Industrial Revolution (18th to 19th century), monotonous factory jobs were suddenly much more needed than jobs in craftsmanship or agriculture. This was the case because almost all goods were now produced in large factories thanks to inventions such as the steam engine and the conveyor belt. Due to the newly emerging high demand for factory workers, American industrialists and factory owners such as J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and many others joined forces to establish the modern school system modeled after Prussian military academies.

That’s why students are still put into narrow rows today, having to mindlessly follow orders and memorize pieces of information instead of learning to think for themselves and develop their own ideas — because all schools were designed to do was prepare children for the very factory jobs that awaited working-class students after graduation. Even ideas like the school bell stemmed entirely from the factory world, where loud bells were needed to announce breaks and closing times because of the drowning noise of machinery.

Today, this principle has not changed. School does not primarily prepare our children for factory jobs but for employment in general. It’s not designed to create innovative visionaries, entrepreneurs, and leaders, but employee bots who blindly follow orders without talking back or questioning their superior authority figures.

Have you never wondered why you weren’t taught in school how money actually works, where our taxes go, how to handle personal finances, how the power structures in this world are set up, how creative processes work best, how to learn most effectively, how to analyze and critically question information and ideas, how to set goals and pursue them effectively, how human nature and psychology work, how to handle and regulate emotions, how to find your purpose in this world, how to treat the opposite sex to ensure harmony, what exactly your gender role is and what duties it entails, or anything else that is even remotely useful in real life?

Instead, we learn how to use binomial formulas (something that 99% of people never encounter again after graduation) or must memorize mindless facts that neither help us in real life nor have any other benefit for broader society.

Most people subconsciously know that the school system isn’t designed to teach them anything useful, but what they don’t realize is that most other major societal institutions have also been subverted into tools for those in power to further trap our minds.

Universities, government, courts, healthcare, welfare, cultural institutions, sports organizations, labor unions, academia, politics, media, and even religious institutions such as churches have been corrupted by the ruling class to push their political ideology of postmodernism.

How They Weaponize Mainstream Media

Throughout history, a recurring pattern of great civilizations can be identified. When a new society emerges, it usually starts out as an intolerant and strong republic in which men are in charge and masculine virtues such as honor, personal responsibility and a sense of duty prevail in society. As the good times created by strong men breed a generation of weak men, the women take over public spaces, the feminine imperative infiltrates societal consciousness and the civilization transitions from an intolerant republic to a weak and tolerant democracy.

“Masculine republics give away to feminine democracies. And feminine democracies give away to tyranny.”


Since women and weak men are in charge in today’s fem-centric society, those in power can use a very effective tool to control the narrative — and that is fear. Fear that is imposed on us, especially through the mainstream media, is so effective in women because they are naturally more emotional than men and therefore easier to control.

This is because women score significantly higher than men in one of the five basic human character traits, which is neuroticism. Neuroticism is defined as the tendency to experience negative emotions such as fear and anxiety. Women, on average, score higher in neuroticism because nature has designed them to be physically weaker than 50% of the population (men). At the same time, it has put a target on their back since they are sexually desired by those men who are full of testosterone with 72 million sperm raging inside of them and who would violently claim the women if it were not for today’s sophisticated social order. Therefore, the higher neuroticism score in women is actually a biological protective mechanism, which ensures that they navigate social interactions more carefully.

Mainstream media now shamelessly exploit this vulnerability and emotionally charge their message to create fear. Since women wear the pants in the average Western household and therefore have a lot of power over society (they even hold the majority of votes), the social narrative can be effectively steered by the intimidation of women.

Elitist-controlled mainstream media use fear above all as a tool to convince us to trade our freedom for feigned “security.” In order for them to establish their “new world order,” people have to play along, and they ensure this by creating a common enemy to fear. They have already convinced us to give up a great deal of our freedom rights by passing the Patriot Act out of fear of terrorism. They have already convinced us to give up our civil rights, have managed to lock us in our homes and killed our economy because of the fear of a disease that has a 99% survival rate.

In the US, they are in the process of systematically disarming the population by politically exploiting the fear of mass shootings to try to repeal the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms). The EU government is also in the process of developing dangerously freedom-restricting measures such as a carbon tracker that will accurately track every citizen’s carbon emission and deny them access to meat, gasoline, air miles, and the like when it exceeds a certain limit. All of this by using fear of climate change to push for approval from distracted sheep who don’t see the danger that such a level of government control entails.

As mainstream media crafts a narrative based on fear, climate change becomes a Trojan horse to establish measures such as digital IDs and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) that look an awful lot like the Chinese social credit system. And this is by no means a conspiracy theory; these measures are already being discussed in the EU Parliament. (My argument here is not that climate change isn’t real, because it certainly is, but that it is being blown out of proportion and instrumentalized to push a particular narrative and advance a shady agenda.)

Now I’m not claiming that this is all the fault of women. The unsexy truth is that it’s actually men’s fault because the average man in the West is such a weak coward that he’s unable to calm his wife’s neuroticism and provide her with a strong shoulder to lean on in times of uncertainty.

Most women do not have a strong masculine figure in their lives to protect and guide them, resulting in an overwhelming majority of women voting for the Left who are pushing these freedom-restricting measures, and therefore unwittingly acting as pawns of the elites.

Since they control the mainstream media it’s easy for them to make it seem as if everyone is of the same opinion, which creates political echo chambers. People who don’t subscribe to the predetermined narrative are labeled as far-right, lateral thinkers, conspiracy theorists, misogynists, homophobes, xenophobes, bigoted, or outright labeled as Nazis. How convenient!

This completely distorts the fact that the majority of the population is actually quite politically centered and does not support the radical measures of the loudest voices in society. However, since the elites have a monopoly over the mainstream media and its different outlets all belong to just a few large media houses, they managed to create the illusion of a widely supported far-left narrative. This is clearly reflected in a sense of moral superiority and blatant entitlement among far-left extremists like radical feminists.

The American Empire and its Media (Nex24 —

I personally avoid mainstream media and news in general as much as possible, but if I ever feel the need to catch up on recent events, I turn to the independent journalists at Redacted on YouTube/Rumble or tune in to Tucker Carlson’s Show on X/Twitter. Another good option is the paid app Ground News (not sponsored), which compares different news outlets for you and lets you uncover the bias of mainstream media yourself.

“The greatest weapon isn’t a gun or a bomb. It is the control of information. To control the world’s information is to manipulate all the minds that consume it.”


What the Future Will Look Like

“The bankers will ensure we stay in debt. The pharmaceutical companies will ensure we stay sick. The weapons manufacturers will ensure we keep going to war. The media will ensure we are prevented from knowing the truth. The government will ensure all of this is done legally.”


If you ask me what the future of humanity will look like, my answer is the following: it will get a lot worse until it finally gets better.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s Stefan Aarnio who calls it “hard times create strong men,” Ray Dalio who calls it “the cycles of history,” or William Strauss and Neil Howe who call it “the fourth turning” — something big is taking place in this period of history.

We are undoubtedly in the end stage of the Western Empire and the effects of this are becoming more and more noticeable. According to Ray Dalio, the average lifespan of a typical empire is about 250 years. The US was founded on July 04, 1776, which makes the Western Empire 248 years old at the time of writing (2024). Although this figure only reflects the average, it means that the remaining days of the West as a superpower are definitely numbered.

To be able to predict the future, we need to look at the past and analyze which phases of the cycle have already passed. In Stefan Aarnio’s book Hard Times Create Strong Men, the author builds on a concept developed by G. Michael Hopf, which outlines four societal phases that are repeated every 80 years. Here is the most recent complete cycle of the US:

1940–1960: Hard times create strong men — Young men in their teens were drafted into the Second World War, and so a whole generation of men became strong and competent. They have learned to count on each other and together they have formed an unbeatable champion spirit on the battlefields of Europe.

1960–1980: Strong men create good times — These strong men came back from war to the land of unlimited opportunity, had a strong, conservative grip on society, and created times of peace and prosperity.

1980–2000: Good times create weak men — The next generation of men grew up in a sheltered, prosperous society and therefore never had to learn to be strong and survive in times of crisis. The good times created by the World War II generation bred weak men who rebelled against the conservative Judeo-Christian values that had made the US strong and pushed society in a more liberal direction.

2000–2020: Weak men create hard times — This weak society elected weak, spineless leaders into positions of power who filled their own pockets by sacrificing the common good. This was very evident in the 2008 financial crisis and the years that followed: In a period of history with strong men in charge, the greedy and corrupt bankers who gambled with working people’s retirement savings would have been publicly hanged on Wall Street instead of being bailed out with taxpayer money while the economy gets artificially propped up by quantitative easing (aka. printing money).

— This was one full 80-year cycle. Now this cycle starts again —

2020–2040: Hard times create strong men — In his book that was published in 2019, Stefan Aarnio predicted that hard times for the West will begin by 2020 as the cycle resets and starts all over again. Surprisingly, he hit the nail right on the head, as the new cycle starting with 2020 was marked by multiple severe crises:

Not only was there a global pandemic that disrupted our economy and claimed many lives; but there were near-escalating tensions between the US and Iran over an American drone strike that killed an Iranian general; a massive chemical explosion at a port in Beirut, Lebanon; and months of violence with war-like scenes in American cities due to Black Lives Matter riots.

In the years since 2020 until now, there have been two more proxy wars by the US (Ukraine & Israel); a cost-of-living crisis and rising inflation; one of the weakest and most corrupt administrations in US history with Biden; a worsening opioid and homeless crisis; daily looting of businesses in broad daylight along with rising violent crime; and increasing tensions with China over American support for Taiwan. The hard times have only just begun, and you need to make sure to find a way out of this mess!

“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.”


If you are reading this as a young man, you are part of a major renaissance and are in the midst of being molded into a strong man through hard times.

And these strong men, of which you are one, will rise and create good times again eventually.

“Dying societies accumulate laws like dying men accumulate remedies.”


Eventually, the pendulum will swing in the opposite direction and better times will come our way. Strong men will emerge and restore prosperity to society by waking people up and destroying the evil forces that claim power in our world. Perhaps the West will fall in the process and make way for a new superpower, or perhaps the Western Empire will prevail.

But until then, those in power will continue to pass laws and regulations to further restrict our freedom in a desperate attempt to keep Western civilization from dying — not realizing that a healthy society wouldn’t need such strict governmental oversight and instead would be able to rule itself through virtue and morality, not power-hungry maniacs.

In their greed and delusion, they will continue to take away our freedom for illusionary “safety” and will continue to use crises (like climate change) as a Trojan horse to rob us of our sovereignty. They will continue to distract you from all of this by promoting modern addictions and sexual degeneracy in society while staging endless circuses for the sleeping sheep and fueling mass hysteria through mainstream media.

So, there is truly only one solution: You need to escape by freeing your mind from their programming, becoming financially free, and therefore gaining independence from the system!

“Everybody is distracted. They are getting distracted by this, distracted by that, watching Netflix, jerking off to Pornhub like fucking jackasses. It’s so easy to win if you can control your own mind–but it seems that nobody can. And that’s how the people who run the world keep the world running. Because they have all the slaves exactly where they need them to be; permanently distracted and semi-depressed. Working their asses off in jobs that will never satisfy them and never pay enough money. That’s the Matrix.”


The Matrix Within You and How to Break Free

“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”


The great sages and masters of the Indus Valley, in ancient India, talked about the Matrix as being Maya. In Sanskrit (the ancient Indian language) the word Maya means “illusion.” It refers to an absence of truth. It’s the illusion in our world. And we are actually born into it, all of us are born into the illusion, the Maya, the Matrix.

In history, many great masters thousands of years ago struggled with this exact same problem and worked tirelessly to open their third eye to see the truth. To overcome the illusion.

A lot of us are born into a world where our third eye is closed so we can’t see the truth about everything around us, about ourselves. Everything we see is full of illusion. It is not the truth. It is the distraction, the mass media, the big corporations, BlackRock, Vanguard. But deeper than that, it’s actually you.

You are the Matrix. You created your own Matrix, your own illusion. And we all did it, I’m by no means talking down to you from a position of superiority. We all built upon the lies we were told and deluded ourselves in so many ways to make the pain bearable that we sometimes feel towards ourselves.

If you are living predominantly in your lower nature, in fear, in guilt, in shame, in anger, then you are trapped in the Matrix. As you rise to higher levels of consciousness and develop self-awareness, you now break free from the Matrix.

So, the whole objective in the Matrix is waking up. And in life, we have to wake up to who we really are. This is how to break free from the Matrix. You must wake up out of the sunken place, out of your own illusion.

The Matrix is a lack of information, a lack of self-awareness, our ignorance collectively. That’s what makes up the Matrix. The lies in mainstream media, the tyrannical governments, the oppressive monetary system — these are all just outward manifestations of our own collective ignorance, our own egoic delusions.

“As above, so below. As within, so without.”


When people are caught up in their ego, in greed, in separation – that’s what the Matrix truly is.

This whole system was created to keep us divided, but you can’t blame the game, you need to change the game. You need to become Player One instead of being just one player. You need to actually take control and that’s how you break free from your own Matrix, your own personal trap. Only then can you truly escape the shackles of your own ego, overcome the illusion of separation, and rise to higher levels of consciousness.

For example, a lot of people say, “I’m this nationality,” “I’m this religion,” “I am Democrat,” “I am Republican,” or whatever — that’s all the Matrix. Because when you break free from the Maya, you realize that we are all connected. Everything is one. There is no separation. Humanity has been divided because so long as you are divided, you can never see the truth.

Wake up, Neo! Wake up out of the deep sleep, out of the sunken place, and become who you really came here to be. Which is a spiritual being having a human experience, not a human being having a spiritual experience.

Realize that you are multidimensional. Realize that you are infinite. Before you can break free from the outer Matrix–the lies, the illusion, the oppression–you must first break free from the Matrix within you.

Break free from your own personal Maya. Overcome the boundaries of your own ego. Because…

“Separation is the greatest illusion. Unity is the greatest truth. All bleed red.”


Ultimately, only you can make this choice. You must decide…

Lonely wage slavery or spiritual freedom and financial abundance for your beautiful family?

Which way, modern man?

